Friday, December 19, 2008

PreK Christmas Fun!

This was our last week of school before the Christmas break. Ben had a busy schedule in his PreK classroom. On Monday they had Christmas Centers. This was the center that I helped at..we made Reindeer food. Ben is patiently waiting for the 'magic glitter' to put in his jar before he shakes it up.
On Thursday some special guests came to their class. Two of Santa's Elves came to visit and they brought Santa's dog with them. After 'Polar Express' was read to the class, the elves served hot chocolate and muffins. Earlier in the week, the class had made a special wish list for Santa. Ben's teacher sent the list home with the elves to give to Santa.

Finally, on Friday was the party. The kids had great snacks and some red fruit punch which Ben is proud to show off on is lips in the picture with Nanny.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sounds like you guys had fun. I love the last picture. Ben is serious about his Kool Aid.